Epoxy Guides & Other Articles

Is epoxy good for a bar top?
Epoxy resin is one of many bar top finish options, and knowing how well it compares to those other possibilities can help you decide. Learn more here.

Epoxy Resin FAQs: Cleaning and maintenance
Check out this FAQ article to get answers to common questions about cleaning an epoxy resin finish.

What is the downside to an epoxy countertop?
An epoxy countertop is a formidable fixture—durable, low-maintenance, and beautiful. But no material is without its Achilles' heel. Learn more here so you can make the right decision for your situation.

What is the most durable type of bar top?
In this article, we explain what the best materials are for ensuring a strong, long-lasting bar top with top-tier durability.

Do epoxy countertops scratch easily?
Epoxy is durable, but how durable? When considering epoxy, understanding its limitations can help you make the right choice. Learn more here.

What coating is used on bar tops?
Choosing the right coating for a bar top is essential to a long-lasting seal. Learn what the optimal coating for bar tops is in this brief explainer.

What happens if I pour epoxy too thick?
Learn here what happens if you apply a layer of epoxy that's thicker than the recommended limit as well as how to avoid the problems it caused by it.

Will epoxy hold up outside?
Discover how well epoxy fares as a finish in outdoor environments with this explainer from UltraClear Epoxy.

When should you not use epoxy?
Knowing when and when not to use epoxy can be useful for determining if it can suit your needs. Learn more here!

Which materials bond best with clear epoxy?
Epoxy can adhere successfully to numerous materials. In this article, we cover the most common materials for different epoxy projects.

Epoxy resin FAQs: The curing phase
Because we get a asked quite often about epoxy and curing, we've written our answers to some of the most frequently (and infrequently) asked questions about curing for epoxy resin.

How much does epoxy usually cost?
Learn how much epoxy typically costs—along with some tips on how to save money without compromising on quality.