The benefits of an epoxy coating on granite surfaces

Granite is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful surface materials. Often used for countertops, bar tops, and table tops, granite exhibits its subtle beauty through a sizable array of colors, with a range of neutral tones that includes not only timeless shades of black and white, but also those of various earthy browns and beiges.

Because of this elegant and diverse selection, it's no surprise that granite has long been a popular choice for home kitchens, restaurants, as well as many other facilities.

But because of its high demand and the difficulty in acquiring it, granite also has a substantial cost, much more than cheaper alternatives like laminate or solid surface. For that reason, it's worth some extra effort to fully protect and preserve it. And there's no better option for safeguarding your granite countertop or table top surfaces than epoxy resin.

UltraClear Epoxy: An unmatched sealant option for granite surfaces

Though many sealants exist to protect granite surfaces to varying extents, there's only one that does a rock-solid job of fully safeguarding granite from physical, chemical, and moisture damage—epoxy resin.

Epoxy resin is a thermosetting polymer that starts out as a liquid until its two components are blended together. Once mixed, the combined epoxy can be poured onto a granite surface, at which point it will harden into a crystal-clear substance that showcases the beauty of the granite surfaces while acting as a shield from many types of damage.

An image showing the three primary UltraClear Epoxy products, side by side.

And among epoxy brands, none are superior to UltraClear. Our resin products boast a wide range of potent protective properties, including:

  • High physical resilience.
  • Complete waterproof sealing.
  • Broad chemical resistance.
  • An extensive coating lifespan.

Each of these traits complements the others to provide a finish of unparalleled quality for your expensive granite surfaces.

How granite surfaces benefit from an epoxy finish.

As a substrate material, granite is uniquely situated to benefit from nearly every aspect of epoxy's role as a sealant.

Using the list above, we'll dive into the details of how each epoxy trait affects granite.

An image representing the Shore hardness scale, with various items listed at different points, including UltraClear Epoxy which rates a 98 out of 100 hardness rating.

Benefit #1: High physical resilience

The most obvious concern for any surface material is how well it will handled physical interaction. Scratches, dents, cracks, and more are all potential forms of damage

How does granite handle physical damage?

Granite is well known for being fairly resistant to various types of physical damage. As one of the stronger natural stones, pure granite generally scores a between a 6 and 7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This means it is quite formidable, but still yields under heavy impact or pressure.

How does epoxy fare against physical force?

Epoxy, much like granite, is also known for its strength. But while granite tops at merely above average, epoxy truly excels as one of the strongest materials for home and business use.

Compared to granite, epoxy has a higher physical strength rating, equating somewhat remarkably strong materials like quartz and quartzite.

At UltraClear, our Bar & Table Top Epoxy is the best of the best, scaling higher than nearly every other epoxy, with a Shore D Hardness rating of 98 out of 100.

Benefit #2: Complete waterproof sealing

Often second in the list of concerns most users have is how well a material like granite can handle water, humidity, and other liquids, as these substances are what facilitate staining, mold growth, and bacterial.

How well does granite hold up against moisture?

Granite is off to a great start when it comes to moisture resistance. Unlike certain other common surface materials, which absolutely must have a seal to resist water at all, granite is a low-porosity material. This means it has few pores relative to the average choice.

Low porosity in granite means it's harder for liquids to permeate the material and stain it, and it's more difficult for bacteria to make a home in the surface-level pores.

However, that's hardly immunity, and it's still highly recommended that granite have a seal of some sort. The problem there is that, although many common sealants handle repel moisture very well, most of them are easily damage by rough physical treatment, which in turn breaks the barrier and exposes the granite to the problem they were trying to prevent.

Once again, that's where epoxy takes the lead.

Water droplets resting on a countertop.

How does an epoxy finish react to water?

In addition to its exceptional physical strength, cured epoxy is also waterproof. This means that a coating of epoxy on a granite countertop will form an impenetrable barrier to liquids and bacteria, allowing users to keep the surfaces clean and sanitary—looking good as new!

Epoxy's waterproof trait also contributes in other ways, as not only is epoxy an excellent sealant but it's also a food safe surface. This means food contact on fully cured epoxy is not a problem whatsoever, and while preparing food on it is not recommended, leaving food (such as fruits like apples and bananas) causes no issue.

But the truth is we can only 100% vouch for our own UltraClear brand of epoxy resin. With so many imported brands cutting corners these days, it's more important than ever to find a brand of epoxy you can trust, getting things done right the first time and knowing that your epoxy surfaces will stay strong and clear for years to come.

And with our premium-grade UltraClear Bar & Table Top Epoxy, you can achieve exactly that!

A basket filled with chemical cleaners and other supplies.

Benefit #3: Broad chemical resistance

Chemicals are present everywhere. Though for most people the word evokes images of cleaning chemicals, there are many others to aware of, depending on the environment your granite will be immersed in.

Oils, grease, acids, all come from foods, and they can be damaging to a variety of surfaces.

How well does granite withstand common chemicals?

Unfortunately granite is rather susceptible to mundane chemicals such as the acid from lemon juice or tomato sauce. Though it's generally recommended that granite surfaces be sealed, it's especially important for granite exposed to these types of chemicals (or anything harsher) to have some kind of protective sealant to preserve the material.

How does epoxy help with chemical resistance?

Once applied, epoxy provides resistance against a wide range of common chemicals, from household cleaners to food-based acids and greases. Even potent substances such as acetone and acetic acid (often found in vinegar) are resisted for longer, giving you the time needed to clean up a mess without your surfaces incurring damage.

For the best chemical resistance in epoxy brands, our UltraClear Bar & Table Top Epoxy stands tall as a top-tier contender.

An hourglass resting on a table top.

Benefit #4: An extensive lifespan

Last but not least is the lifespan of a surface-level material. Granite itself is natural stone mineral that will last for a lifetime with proper care, but that's only if it's maintained well through an effective sealant and taken care of.

How long does epoxy last?

Epoxy can last for many years when properly applied, reducing the need for frequent recoatings. Compared to other types of sealants, some of which must be reapplied every year or two, our UltraClear Bar & Table Top Epoxy will last a minimum of 7 years.

Moreover, reapplication is as easy as a light sanding and a fresh coating on top of the previous, with little additional effort requires.

On top of that, epoxy is exceptionally easy to clean and maintain, making it a breeze to manage granite surfaces with an epoxy seal.

A granite kitchen countertop with an epoxy finish.

Epoxy resin: Not invincible—but as close as it gets.

As with any material, epoxy resin has both pros and cons. But no other sealant has so few weaknesses, and that's what puts epoxy above all other options when it comes to being a finish for high-traffic fixtures and furniture such as countertops, table tops, and bar tops. This is especially true for premium epoxy resins, such as our UltraClear products.

You can find our UltraClear Epoxy products on the following pages:

  • UltraClear Bar & Table Top Epoxy: The classic choice for bar tops, countertops, and table tops. Rock-solid, waterproof, and crystal-clear.
  • UltraClear Deep Pour Epoxy: Our deep pour casting resin. Ideal for thick layers, such as those needed for river tables.
  • UltraClear Art & Craft Epoxy: Our arts and crafts resin, designed for smaller artistic endeavors which typically involve resin molds and require a bit more fluidity than bar top epoxy.

With high chemical and physical resistance, epoxy can withstand and endure many forms of wear and tear without breaking a sweat or showcasing any cosmetic damage.

Plus, in addition to its ease of application, it also requires little upkeep to maintain its pristine appearance. With a high-quality epoxy finish, you can expect a minimum lifespan of 7 years, with no need for reapplication. Beyond that, it's a breeze to renew that coating, requiring only a light sanding and a fresh layer of epoxy.

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